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Projects - Not date spesific








Affie Kitchen

Eleos supports the Affie kitchen with monthly donations, who in turn give wholesome meals to learners in need during school hours.


Booysens Beertjies

Eleos supports Booysens Beertjies Nursery School, who takes care of our pre-school children.

Other:  Therapeutic services for children

Trauma debriefing

Pre-school and Primary school learners

Therapy for children who went through trauma

Per appointment

Healthy children function better, make better choices, and handle difficult circumstances in a better way.

Holiday Programmes

Holiday programmes (day programs with specific, age-related themes are planned for the year for each after-school programme)

Children attending the afterschools

Holiday programmes focus on therapeutic groups, life skills groups and fun and enjoyment

3 – 4 times per year 

To expose children to new experiences, to create opportunities to learn new skills, and provide children with skills to deal with the trauma they may experience at home.

Supervision at Market Street

Job creation – janitor

Limited availability after hours

Supervision at Wilhelm Street

Job creation – janitor

Limited availability after hours

Student education

Students get the opportunity to execute the practical part of their curriculum within our existing structures. We assist them in gaining experience, while spending time with our clients. 

UP-students studying occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and dietetics who are involved at the clinic as part of their curriculum

Subject to change with every group. Students change every 6 weeks and each student should present a community project. 

Groups presented 1 – 2 times per week in every cycle 

The clients in our groups benefits from the group therapy and these educational opportunities.


Job Creation

Still in the making

Intended vegetable processing project to empower people in the community to be self-sufficient, but first need to obtain a premises for it.

Emergency food parcels

To assist those who are in dire need and to refer them to groups

Non-members of groups

Once off support

When needed

To address immediate needs and create the opportunity to get people involved in groups

Food parcels

To address food shortages

Participating group members who qualify for help

Food parcels according to family size and need

Once per month

Food shortages are addressed in families with a low income or the elderly with no income.